Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Acting and Directing DRA5100-20-BU Module
Acting Independent Study ACT6000-20-BU Module
Acting Processes ACT4003-20-BU Module
Acting Processes in Action ACT4022-20-BU Module
Advanced Audio Workflows SOU7005-30-BU Module
Applied Sound Design CMT4005-20-BU Module
Applied Techniques DAN5204-20-BU Module
Applied Theatre DRA5101-20-BU Module
Audio Post Production for Moving Image CMT6102-20-BU Module
Audio Production CMT4003-20-BU Module
Audio Recording CMT4000-20-BU Module
Audio Visual Identity CMU5102-20-BU Module
Audio Visual Performance CMT6103-20-BU Module
Audiovisual Practice CMT5005-20-BU Module
Body in Training 1: The Healthy Dancer DAN4101-20-BU Module
Body in Training 2: The Mindful Dancer DAN4104-20-BU Module
Body in Training 3: The Responsive Dancer DAN5201-20-BU Module
Brand, Identity and Promotion CMU5000-20-BU Module
Building the Ensemble DRA4000-20-BU Module
Collaborative Engagement DAN7003-15-BU Module
Comedy Independent Study COM6002-20-BU Module
Commercial Music Research Planning and Methods CMU6003-20-BU Module
Commercial Music Research Writing and Revision CMU6100-20-BU Module
Commercial Music Studio Production CMU4004-20-BU Module
Communicating Music MUS5013-20-BU Module
Composing with Technology CMU4001-20-BU Module
Composition 4 CMT5101-20-BU Module
Composition for Media CMT6100-20-BU Module
Contemporary Issues and Perspectives DAN7002-15-BU Module
Contemporary Theatre DRA4100-20-BU Module
Creating Music (Independent Project) MUS6202-40-BU Module
Creating Music 3A (Applications) MUS6206-20-BU Module
Creating Music 3B (Interdisciplinarity) MUS6210-20-BU Module
Creative Composition CMU5103-20-BU Module
Creative Lab DAN5206-20-BU Module
Creative Portfolio ACT6023-20-BU Module
Creative Portfolio SOU7003-30-BU Module
Creative Practice CMT4002-20-BU Module
Creative Practice 1 DAN7001-30-BU Module
Creative Practice 2 DAN7004-30-BU Module
Creative Sandbox MUS4015-20-BU Module
Creative Worlds DAN5202-20-BU Module
Dance Making 1 DAN4102-20-BU Module
Dance Making 2 DAN4105-20-BU Module
Dancing Knowledge DAN6202-20-BU Module
Digital Marketing in the Music Business PM7016-30-BU Module
Drama Independent Study DRA6004-40-BU Module
Employing Music (Independent Project) MUS6204-40-BU Module
Employing Music 3A (Community and Education) MUS6208-20-BU Module
Employing Music 3B (Management and Industry) MUS6212-20-BU Module
Experimental Audio Processing CMT5100-20-BU Module
Exploring Repertoire MUS5021-20-BU Module
Exploring Screendance DAN4103-20-BU Module
Final Major Project DAN7006-60-BU Module
Form and Practise ACT4023-20-BU Module
Foundations of Audio Processing CMT5000-20-BU Module
Going Live (Tour and Events) CMU5003-20-BU Module
High Comedy COM5001-20-BU Module
Hyper Production Techniques CMT5002-20-BU Module
Improvising and Devising MUS4014-20-BU Module
Independent Project (20 Credits) DAN6203-20-BU Module
Independent Project (40 Credits) DAN6204-40-BU Module
Independent Study CMT6002-20-BU Module
Independent Study TFE6000-20-BU Module
Independent Study 1 MUS6110-20-BU Module
Interactive and Procedural Audio CMT6101-20-BU Module
Interdisciplinary Collaboration MUS5014-20-BU Module
Intermediate PDP/ Research and Development TFE5000-20-BU Module
Intermediate Production Practice 1 TFE5003-20-BU Module
Intermediate Production Skills 1 TFE5001-20-BU Module
Introduction to Acting ACT4021-20-BU Module
Introduction to Acting Processes ACT4000-20-BU Module
Introduction to Lighting, Sound and Video TFE4001-20-BU Module
Introduction to Scenic Design and Costume TFE4002-20-BU Module
Introduction to Stagecraft and Stage Management TFE4000-20-BU Module
Introduction to the Music Business CMU4006-20-BU Module
Introduction to Theatre Production DRA4103-20-BU Module
Investigating Theatre and Performance DRA4001-20-BU Module
Listening and Hearing MUS4012-20-BU Module
Live Performance ACT5023-20-BU Module
Major Project PM7070-60-BU Module
Major Project (Acting) PER7005-60-BU Module
Major Project (Composition and Sonic Art) SOU7007-60-BU Module
Major Project (Creative Producing) PER7006-60-BU Module
Major Project (Design) SOU7008-60-BU Module
Major Project (Directing) PER7007-60-BU Module
Major Project (Music Performance) PER7008-60-BU Module
Major Project (Production) SOU7009-60-BU Module
Making Performance 1 DRA5000-20-BU Module
Making Performance 2 DRA5001-20-BU Module
Mediated Performance ACT5024-20-BU Module
Music as an Event MUS5015-20-BU Module
Music Business Analysis PM7014-30-BU Module
Music for All MUS5011-20-BU Module
Music for Learners MUS5012-20-BU Module
Music in Society MUS4013-20-BU Module
Music Money and Enterprise 1 CMU6004-20-BU Module
Music Money and Enterprise 2 CMU6101-20-BU Module
Music Production Anatomy 1 PM7013-30-BU Module
Music Production Anatomy 2 PM7015-30-BU Module
Music Think Tank CMU5002-20-BU Module
Music Video Production CMT5004-20-BU Module
Musical Theatre History DRA4002-20-BU Module
Musical Theatre Project DRA6005-20-BU Module
Musical Theatre Repertoire DRA4004-20-BU Module
Musical Theatre Workshop DRA5002-20-BU Module
Musical Theatre Workshop 2 DRA5003-20-BU Module
Musicals as Cultural Politics DRA6106-20-BU Module
Musicals as Popular Culture DRA6006-20-BU Module
PDP/Research and Development TFE4005-20-BU Module
Performance (Collaborative) CMU4002-20-BU Module
Performance (Projects) CMU4005-20-BU Module
Performance and Media 1 DRA5104-20-BU Module
Performance Craft and Fluency MUS5020-20-BU Module
Performance Explorations DRA5105-20-BU Module
Performance Lab DRA6010-20-BU Module
Performance Practices DRA4101-20-BU Module
Performance Practices PER7004-30-BU Module
Performance Practise ACT4025-20-BU Module
Performance Project DRA6001-20-BU Module
Performance Project 1 DAN4106-20-BU Module
Performing Music (Independent Project) MUS6201-40-BU Module
Performing Music 3A (Identity) MUS6205-20-BU Module
Performing Music 3B (Professional) MUS6209-20-BU Module
Performing Self DAN5205-20-BU Module
Performnace Project 2 DAN5203-20-BU Module
Playing, Performance, Recording MUS4011-20-BU Module
Podcasting DRA6104-20-BU Module
Portfolio 1 PM7002-30-BU Module
Practical Music Skills MUS4010-20-BU Module
Practice and Research MUS5010-20-BU Module
Practice and Research SOU7002-30-BU Module
Preparing the Actor ACT4020-20-BU Module
Presenting Practice SOU7004-30-BU Module
Production Practice 2 TFE5004-20-BU Module
Production Practice 3 TFE5100-20-BU Module
Production Project SOU7006-30-BU Module
Production Project 1 TFE6003-20-BU Module
Production Project 3 TFE6101-20-BU Module
Production Project Acting in a Directed Play ACT6004-20-BU Module
Production Project Making Performance ACT6005-20-BU Module
Production Project Mediated Performance ACT6006-20-BU Module
Production Project: Acting in a Directed Comedic Play COM6101-20-BU Module
Production Project: Making Comedic Performance COM6003-20-BU Module
Production Project: Mediated Comedic Performance COM6004-20-BU Module
Production Project: Small Scale Production ACT6022-20-BU Module
Production Skills 1 TFE4003-20-BU Module
Production Skills 2 TFE4004-20-BU Module
Production Skills 2 TFE5002-20-BU Module
Professional Collaboration PM7031-30-BU Module
Professional Collaboration PER7003-30-BU Module
Professional Musician CMU6001-20-BU Module
Professional Portfolio TFE6002-20-BU Module
Professional Portfolio (Development) CMU6000-20-BU Module
Professional Portfolio (Presentation) CMU6002-20-BU Module
Professional Practice PER7001-30-BU Module
Professional Practice DAN7005-30-BU Module
Professional Practise DAN6201-40-BU Module
Proudction Project 2 TFE6004-20-BU Module
Puppetry DRA5205-20-BU Module
Puppetry Lab DRA6110-20-BU Module
Rehearsed Reading ACT6001-20-BU Module
Research Methodologies and Context PM7001-30-BU Module
Research Project CMT6000-20-BU Module
Research Project TFE6100-20-BU Module
Skills Portfolio PER7002-30-BU Module
Somatics for Performance, Health and Wellbeing DAN6206-20-BU Module
Song Production CMU5001-20-BU Module
Song, Culture and Identity PM7012-30-BU Module
Songwriting CMU4000-20-BU Module
Songwriting Skills PM7004-30-BU Module
Sonic Art CMT5001-20-BU Module
Sonic Cultures CMT4004-20-BU Module
Sonic Performance CMT6003-20-BU Module
Sonic Signatures CMT6001-20-BU Module
Sound and Music Industries CMT5003-20-BU Module
Sound Design Exploration CMT4001-20-BU Module
Sound Skills SOU7001-30-BU Module
Staging Gender DRA6102-20-BU Module
Staging Shakespeare DRA6002-20-BU Module
Stand Up/Sketch Comedy Circuit Show COM6005-20-BU Module
Text Project ACT5020-20-BU Module
The Actor in the Ensemble ACT4024-20-BU Module
The Actor's Portfolio Career ACT5022-20-BU Module
The Company DAN6205-20-BU Module
The Professional Actor ACT6002-20-BU Module
The Professional Comedian COM6006-20-BU Module
The Self-Directed Creative ACT5025-20-BU Module
Theatre and Social Engagement DRA6003-20-BU Module
Theatre Making ACT5021-20-BU Module
Theatre Project DRA4102-20-BU Module
Understanding Music (Independent Project) MUS6203-40-BU Module
Understanding Music 2A (Analysing Music) MUS5202-20-BU Module
Understanding Music 3A (Rethinking Music) MUS6207-20-BU Module
Understanding Music 3B (Research as Product) MUS6211-20-BU Module
Working in the Music Industry CMU5101-20-BU Module
Working With Industry TFE6001-20-BU Module
Writing and Directing for Performance 1 DRA6007-20-BU Module
Writing and Directing for Performance 2 DRA6008-20-BU Module
Writing for Performance 1 DRA5004-20-BU Module
Writing for TV and Radio DRA5106-20-BU Module

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